Replacement Theory: Tucker Carlson has a point—he just doesn’t know what it is
Photo by Michelle Ding on Unsplash
Tucker Carlson is confused. He thinks Christian White men
are supposed to be the ones in charge, get the best jobs, earn the most money. He
doesn’t understand that in a true democracy, when the people in charge fail
miserably, they get voted out. In a true democracy, dead weight doesn’t get
rewarded—so if the White guy isn’t delivering and the Black woman is, the White
guy should be fired.
This is what democracy looks like when it works—Tucker
thinks that’s what it looks like when it’s broken.
Part of the problem is that we’ve never had a true
democracy, so for those of us promoting it, we must rely to some extent on our
own imaginations. How might it look? How do we make it happen? What thinking do
we need to change to get there?
These are the questions the rest of us are asking. Not
Tucker’s world is crumbling around him and he’s afraid. He’s
starting to see women and POC getting more respect, earning more money,
becoming more integrated into the higher echelons of society and it’s killing
him. This isn’t the way it’s supposed to be!
He’s trying to stop it, but he should realize you can’t stop
something you don’t take the time to understand.
The problem isn’t that wicked liberals are conspiring to
replace Christian White men with liberal women, POC, atheists and Jews. It’s
that too many powerful Christian White men are woefully lacking in both
self-awareness and an understanding of what a real democracy looks like.
They are cancelling themselves with their backward and
ignorant rhetoric.
There is no conspiracy—they have failed us. They are going
to be replaced because they are not adequate to the task of running our
They conveniently ignore the point of “Separation of Church
and State,” as they attempt to strip away the right of a mother to choose
whether to bring a pregnancy to term. The law guarantees us rights over our own
bodies, according to legal precedent set decades ago. While pro-birth activists
have the right to practice their own religion, the have no right to force the
rest of us to comply with their values.
They are killing their own people by telling them to fight
vaccine mandates. When Florida Governor Ron DeSantis threatened to withhold
salaries of school officials who defied his prohibition of mask mandates, he
had already lost so many of his constituents to Covid, that his entire margin
of victory in the race that won him the election was wiped out.
Republicans are destroying any hope they have of holding
onto their positions of power. If ever there was a self-fulfilling prophesy, this
is it.
Women, POC, and others still in touch with reality and
capable of critical thinking skills, have gradually seen incompetent men leave
positions of power, both in corporations and in politics. They are being
replaced by people who understand democracy and are willing to fight for it.
It’s taken a long time, but the momentum is building and now it’s time for the
deniers, liars, white supremacists, male dominating, ego-centric,
imperialistic-minded men (and their like-minded women), who have trashed the
planet and human rights and can’t quite grasp the new reality, to step aside.
Christian White men and women who can keep their religion
where it belongs—church & home, not work or politics—and who can accept
reality and support others equally, are welcome to join us. But there will be
no more coddling.
We need people who can do what’s needed to rebuild our
economy, repair our infrastructure, slow climate change and work toward that
long-promised “more perfect union.” If you can help us with that, you can be
part of it.
Otherwise, you will be replaced. And rightly so.
Labels: accountability, equal rights, functioning democracy, Separation of Church & State, Tucker Carlson
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