Sunday, November 27, 2016

Disingenuous Surprise at the Trump Victory

Eager participants in the vilification of Hillary Clinton, mainstream media and myriad political pundits invited Trump’s surrogates to spread their lies; never thinking to correct them, even when they were clearly fabricating facts and making slanderous accusations.  Night after night, the campaign to destroy Hillary Clinton was aired on every station.
Their dismay at the results of the election is disingenuous.  Lies are not news. And yet they spread them willingly, throughout the campaign, responding to repeated slander as if it were nothing more than the considered opinions of the opposing party.
It was even more disingenuous to spend the next day trying to pin Trump’s victory on Clinton. What did she do wrong? How could she have done better? What was her fatal mistake? Shame on you.
Hillary Clinton fought a long and hard campaign. Donald Trump fabricated evidence and made false accusations. The question we need to be asking is: Why did that work? And while we are at it, we should also be asking the following questions:
Why is Hillary Clinton constantly accused of being responsible for ISIS and the Iraq War, when history has shown that both were a direct result of actions taken by Bush’s PNAC cronies; who mislead our country and destroyed Iraq, fertilizing the ground for ISIS?
Why is Hillary Clinton blamed for the inability of Congress to get things done for the past 30 years?
Why is she called a criminal, when after years of investigations and countless depositions, she has never been indicted?
Why are she and Obama blamed for the economic problems inherited by the Bush administration?
Why is it never mentioned that she was part of the team that found and killed Osama bin Laden?
Why is she consistently punished for her husband’s mistakes?
Hillary Clinton has been slandered by a lying, racist, sexist con-man and half the country believes she is actually a criminal, because Donald Trump said so.  It is clear at this point that there is only one thing ignorant white men hate more than a black president, it’s a female president.
Yet hating someone does not give you the right to co-opt mainstream media in order to persecute your opponent, without any evidence to support your claims. That is not freedom of speech, that is slander. And more to the point, why was the media so eager to join in that effort?
Here’s what I think: Hillary Clinton is an exceptional human being and her experience as a woman, mother, social servant, Senator, Secretary of State and First Lady gives her a comprehensive understanding of pretty much everything you need to know to be qualified for this job, not just from one perspective, but from every possible angle.  
The only thing wrong with Hillary Clinton is that there are too many men who can’t compete with her. She makes them look weak and lazy and stupid.  From their limited perspective, a woman is good for two things: making men look good or making men feel good. Hillary doesn’t do either.
So they do the only thing their intolerant and ignorant thinking permits: destroy her. There is no logical explanation for the treatment she has received at the hands of the public or the media unless you include the wide-spread but unspoken campaign to prevent women from being treated as equals at all levels in society. Women did not have the right to vote in this country until 1920, 50 years after black men won that right.  Like I said, the only thing ignorant white men fear more than a black leader is a powerful woman.


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